Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Few Awesome Knitting Books!

There are so many amazing books on knitting out there, so I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you.

  • Beautiful Knitting: Techniques & Patterns for Creating Elegant Designs by Luce Smits
    • It covers all the basics, such as the knit and purl stitch, but I would not recommend it for beginners. The book progresses quickly, and it mainly has tons of beautiful stitches, and projects you can use them on. There are so many color photos and good tips that this is an amazing book!

  • Fabulous Felted Hand-Knits: Wonderful Wearables and Home Accents by Jane Davis
    • This book is perfect for the beginning felter. It describes in detail the way to hand and machine felt, and again has lots of color photos. There are a lot of projects, from a very easy pin cushion for the beginning knitter, to a mola-style rug or a cute bag! I love this book.

  • Knit Wit: 30 Easy and Hip Projects by Amy R. Singer
    • This is good for the knitter who is just learning to use techniques such as increasing and decreasing. The projects are cute, and the patterns are easy to follow. This one also has a large difficulty range, from a Rockstar Scarf (a scarf striped with novelty yarn) to a Hidden Agenda Sweater (I love this pattern!). I highly recommend this book to anybody who is just starting to break out of the holds of garter-stitch rectangles, or to an experienced knitter looking for a quick, fun, and easy project.

I hope these books help you out, they should be at most libraries, but they are all available new or used at the Barnes & Noble website (I checked, and that's where I got the pictures). A note: there are so many more great books out there on knitting that I could list hundreds, but you probably don't want to read all that. :)
Happy knitting and reading!

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